Thursday 7 June 2012

oh rain rain, go away...

Do me a favour? Imagine a little poodle, with groomed hair and a bow in-between its little ears. Then imagine the weather that we have been unfortunately blessed with...put them together, and what do you get? Me. It serves me right for leaving my lovely £1 umbrolly (umbrella to you normal folk) in the back of my dad's car though...If this wasn't bad enough, I also had a job interview today. YIPEE! It's clear that the big man in the sky has something in for me; I don't know why though!

So there in the middle of town stood a sad, wet and 'wanting to go home' Nina, walking around with her music on when lo and behold she walks past a food place..(she was also hungry too) but I knew that I couldn't go in without popping to the Laddiess Room first. When I got there I looked at my hair...oh my hair, I don't even think it deserves to be called that. The messed up toilet brush that appeared to the sticking out of my head made me go all bug eyed in the mirror as I deciphered how to correct it. Seemed like some weirdass version of Mission Impossible: Hair Gone Wild.

But Mrs Nina Cruise got through it and strutted her stuff back to food heaven *thunder thighs alert.* For all those who are wondering; it tasted DE-LISH! (or pukka...depends on where you're from, your class and your  street rep') It certainly took away the blues of the rain. Don't get me wrong, I love the rain, watching it splatter against my window...I'm just not a hugeee fan when I'm standing in it waiting for a bus...which I ran for...AND MISSED by the way. Not only was I gutted that I in fact missed this bus..but the bus that I got on, had the most miserable and moody old bus driver I have ever met. He was rude, too. Not only to me, but to this old woman! What a freak?! He was like 'You getting off or what? You didn't press the button; this is a bus you know!' I actually did make this face >> :O The manners of some people these days! Pfft!

*breathe Nina breathe*

So I'm back home, all dry and clean (with controlled hair) and haribo, perfectomondo! Time for hot chocolate, drawing little cartoons, reading and relaxing. What will tomorrow bring? I'll let you know ;-)

Tarrra! xox

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