Wednesday 13 June 2012

Keep your head up, keep your heart strong...

So to start off with here are some tips and tricks that I have picked up throughout the day:
Lesson #1 Taking up your trousers. So I look on the worldy wide web of how to do this since I have short legs, but what I found is that 1) not only did I not have enough time to create a new hem but I also lacked the effort to do this. Here is my solution: Go to your local supermarket or fabric store, request Hemming Tape (Iron On) When you get home, look at the box and read the instructions. It works perfectly fine...actually I have just realised that I have a GCSE in Textiles, why oh why did I not put this into good use? :( Stuupidd me.
Lesson #2 Making Marble Cake. Don't grease the tin with butter and use grease proof paper. Not only is it pointless, but it makes your cake taste really greasy and not as amazing as it should. It looks alright... and I followed the recipe like I normally do there just is something wrong. I'm going to have to dry the cake out. Does that mean make it go stale? Possibly...possibly.

I woke up in such a positive mood today, which is strange since I knew what was lined up for me...a trek to Asda, my interview and my essay. But the theme of me being in a good mood decided to stay with me as here where the outcomes; baking ingredients which means CAKE CAKE I LOOVVEE THE CAKE. I got through to the next stage so tomorrow I have an induction day where I learn the ins and outs of the job and need to pass a small test, once I've done that I can start work straight away *excited* *motivated* *nervous*. Andd I finished my first essay. Today has been a good day :)

I shall say bye bye now, Miss Nina is sleepy and needs her beauty sleep for training tomorrow and needs to pray that the weather will be okay so her fancy smart clothes and hair don't get ruined.

Sleep well my pretties :) xxx

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