Monday 18 June 2012

Some advice for y'all

In a passionate and philosophical mood today, so I have pieces of advice, possible a rant or two and my thoughts for you to here it goes.

1.'Forgive us for what we have done, 'cause we're young...' Well done Tulisa, I don't actually care what people have to say about the end of the day, its your private life, everyone does the same things, unfortunately for you there was some asshole who wanted to show you up and expose you on the internet. I honestly have a weird sort of respect for you that you haven't let it get you down and you've picked yourself up and carried on with your career. This takes a lot of will power and pride, so kudos to you. Now, it terms of this song...I must admit that I wasn't the biggest fan when I first heard it coming out of my radio, but I went for a walk today (yes, I was in a walking mood in which you actually listen to the lyrics and don't really concentrate on walking) when this specific lyric stuck in my head. It's true though, isn't it? I'm one of those people who believe that you won't progress as a person in life without making a few life mistakes along the way and learning from them. Sure you may make the same mistake over and over again but each oime you learning something completely different and new from the situation. Trust me on this one; I speak from experience, I've had more mistakes in my life than I have eaten chocolate...and erm....thats a lot. So go for it, make as many mistakes as you like, don't let anyone tell you how to live your life or dictate it to you. It helps you to grow and it very healthy. But remember to practice what you preach and don't judge others by their mistakes.

2. Don't argue with a Geography student - especially on something so silly. Right, scenario; today my brother asked me what the continents were for this game he was playing on the internet...I said 'Okay hang on, ask me again' he repeated..'What are the continents? I need all 6 of them.' I was about to answer then had to double take.. 6?...6?!?! There are 7...I'm certain. I asked my mum and she told me that there was 6. I was actually quite offended. *geek alert* So there are 7 SEVEN 7 continents of the world, just to clarify. Despite silly internet and rumours. 

3. Don't think you're God's gift - as harsh as it sounds, you aren't. What really bugs me if when someone thinks that they're so special than they don't need to hear anyone elses opinion or that they are  the only one that matters. When it comes down to it, no one is more special than the next. On a regular basis I come across people who feel that they are God's gift to the world...yeah okay, I guess they are with their own abilities and special talents that they bring not only to themselves but to other people; no one can be as good as them as they are at being themselves. But what I mean is when they think that they are better than you, because 9/10, even if you feel like they are; HERE'S A NEWSFLASH...they aren't. It's people like these that make you feel so small and desperate for their attention..either that or that you have to constantly impress them or go out of your way for them. *But please don't see this as me saying that you're not special..because you are, so so special. No one can ever replace someone else. It's actually physically, mentally and emotionally impossible. Fact.*

4. Don't rush things - you have plenty of time for that later! In an ever changing environment you don't have time to think about what you wanna do, just make those rash decision; it turns out those turn out to be the most important ones you ever make.

I do hope you've learnt from this blog and taken something from it. I may possibly blog in a few hours with happy this space!! 

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