Sunday 17 June 2012

Can I get you anything to drink, Sir Ghetto?

Okay so I have a lot to fill you in with so I hope that you're all sitting comfortably and I shall begin my story telling...

Well..I got that job that I applied for, it was very good and informative and I also made a fair few friends which is always good :) So my first shift was scheduled for 4.30pm till 2am, yeah I know seems really long and trust me; it was. Tiring doesn't even scratch legs and feet were tired by half 8, and even though my soul may have died a little bit when I checked the time, I played the little trooper and carried on...*cue the Braveheart music*

I did have one incident in which I got the drinks perfectly fine as in I followed procedure by writing down the order, taking the money and going to the bar then going back to my allocated table...but unfortunately somebody decided to get in between my smooth plan and walk into me..causing me to...yup, you guessed it, spill the drinks. But not only did I spill the order, it went down the back of a woman's chair..AND THE BACK OF HER GORGEOUS BALL DRESS. To say that I was mortified is an understatement. I was just apologising for ages knowing that words did nothing. (sad times) But I did replace their drinks, but this made it proper awkward for me to ask if they wanted drinks throughout the night.
----------------------------------- < this is silver lining.
The woman gave me her change from her drink, Yipee my first tip of the night. :)

So after serving drinks for till half 10, we finally got a break..with food :O The jacket potato was welll nice and this weird chicken and onion mix which was hitting the spot too. When we resumed from our break, it started to get nitty gritty since we had to tidy up all the glasses and cups from 90 odd table of 10. Whilst we were doing this, the 1000 guests were dancing around to the staged music playing some decent tunes. I was proper gutted that I couldn't shake ma thangg on the dance floor. Dem guests wouldn't know what hit moves are as sick as ma llama hooves ;)

Finally I finished my shift at 2am and I was left standing on Broad Street at half 2 with the drunken men staggering past me...not really something I was in the mood for...(not that I'm in the mood for it normally aha) Unfortunately, this Wine Waitress didn't get any more than 4 hours sleep due to the ghetto gangbang that was occurring in my house (brother's sleepover for his birthday). I was tired, grouchy and cranky and you certainly don't want to get on the bad side of my when I'm cranky...honestly, ask anyone.

So, due to lack of sleep, I am currently waiting to crash after my crazy obsession with pork pies, sausage rolls and scotch eggs this afternoon...NOM.

Gonna have to love ya and leave ya I'm afraid guys.
Bizzle fo'shizzle! xxx

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