Friday 8 June 2012

Euro 2012 and Puppet Shows; a theme of juxtaposition...

So as you all are aware (due to social network sites, newspapers and word of mouth) the Euro 2012 funfair has finally landed onto our mind..and into the goal already for the first two matches. I always enjoy this time of year for many many reasons. Those who say that they don't like football get sucked into the fun with family draws, patriotism and the excuse for a party...who could resist?

So, to get in the spirit of things (apart from flags and shades and whatnot) I have decided to learn some facts about the Euro 2012, so I thought that I would let you in on my findings :)

It seems that Ukraine are finally joining the band wagon with their debut at the this Euro Championship.
But despite this being their first time at the Euro's they sure know how to make it go off with a bang (a bit like everyone's first time though, right?)... a big ol' controversial bang with racism. With their 'right wing' fans, not only causing problems in the excitement coming up to Euro's but also the moments before the opening ceremony.. To be honest, I find it very silly, surely with all the multi cultural societies we have in every country we should all be happy and not let a silly thing like a football start a moral panic across the nation. 

I do fancy England's chances though, prior to them playing their first game, I do think that we can possibly get to the semi finals and kick some foregein ass...okay Nina that's hypocritical *refers to the previous paragraph*. See this is what I mean, we are all arrogant in our ways when football is concerned.

You will never guess what I have done today, go on guess...performed by own little puppet show with my old teddies! Remember this? I felt like such a kid again, I know I act like one on a daily basis, but still I got to share it with someone speciallll :) 

Before I go, I have explanations to the weather for all you weather fans out there! (I know you're out there so don't hide and don't deny it!)


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