Friday 8 June 2012

and what exactly have I learnt?

Hoooooray! I think I've fixed the sound card. So what did I do to fix it? Did I update my driver software? Replace the RealTek Audio Manager? No, no I didn't. I went through my trusty instinct and turned it on this morning to find that it was fixed all my its clever self :) Well at least I think it is this I mean, I sat and spoke to myself in front of the webcam and it recorded it perfectly fine when I played it back. Who needs IT then, eh? Just instinct and a quick shake of the laptop and all is well :)

In other news, I FINALLY finished tidying under my bed and all the other tat that I had lying around creating dust. I feel a lot better after doing this; an organised room leads to an organised mind!  Here are my findings: a) Paints- so that I can finish off my painting, b) Uni books- so that Nina can finish off her retake..whichhh the lazy girl hasn't got round to doing yet *note to self*and  c) Pad of paper - so that I can draw many Ukulele's *PLUG ALERT*
(I now address you to Twitter...@LuketheUke1)

What I haven't mentioned is that I once again left my umbrella in my dad's car on my venture to the shops...despite him coming home and parking the car directly outside the house. Yes, yes, I know what you're thinking...She just NEVER learns. It's true though, I'm one of those people who never learns from my mistakes and can preach to people about advice yet never follow any myself! *sigh*
Back to the raining situation, the one thing that annoyed me is that every time that I went into a shop it stopped and when I walked outside it started raining again...but this time I didn't even have my phone orrrr my music. This is a very bad thing to do. I advice you...nay, I URGE you never to leave the house without some form of contact or entertainment or expect boredom to take over.

Off to type some more... (well actually, that's a lie..)actually start planning my retake while being in the comfort of my Galaxy Cookie Crumble and 55p can of Dr Pepper...I mean, what's the worst that could happen?

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