Monday 7 March 2011

Rolos and sunshine.

I'm having a p-r-e-t-t-y good evening. It's a shame that the beginning of the day didn't start off amazingly...well apart from the slice of 'dank' birthday cake that Amie gave me on the bus and the fact that i could actually see the blueness of the sky. It was a change to the rubbish coloured sky, certainly changed my mood... at least the pigeons won't blend in the grey sky and we were able to see them before they pooped on our heads. (:

But, aside from all that, the evening has been full of surprises, for one...I got a packet of Rolos off my lovely and wonderful mother.
Okay, honestly. I built that up to much then didn't I?

With results day coming up soon I'm hoping that the theme of the happy week will continue. Yet, I do highly doubt that. Hip Hip Hooray for high hopes! But hey, who's really watching that?

I've decided that my topic for tomorrow will be your choice of friends and my personal opinions on this. I think it'll be very interesting. Maybe they'll be some good advice thrown in too... who knows? Only time shall tell.

Anyways, that's all for tonight folks, hopefully tomorrow will be just as uplifting.


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