Tuesday 8 March 2011

Friendship is like a pancake. An analogy.


I actually haven't had my pancakes yet. -_- I guess good things come to those who wait. In this case I will get a BRILLIANT thing. What do you like to have on your pancake? I'm a fan of sugar and lemon on my thousands of pancakes, yum-yum. But not the mucky ones that they make at school because they are just vile...what else can be expected its SCHOOL PANCAKES. Possibly made with some old eggs and dodgy flour.

So, yesterday’s blog told you about my plans for today's blog (clever that, isn't it?) Without further hesitation I shall start upon my blog about friendship, its flaws and values.

I have decided to talk about friends and the issue of friendship because I feel it's important to value it. It's a very valued subject and can very often be taken for granted.  If I had to define friendship I would say it’s a feeling that grows alongside you when you find similar people who you can share common interests, feelings and emotions with. My friends, for example, are very lovely people. I actually treasure them with my life.
I wouldn't say that each friend has its own job because that just sounds horrible, but what I guess I'm trying to say is that you chose each friend due to their individual talent, may it be that they make you laugh, they have a dirty sense of humour, they're good listeners, they make good cakes, anything that puts a smile on your face.

The most annoying thing that I find is when people don't respect their friends enough or take them for granted and only talk to you when they are in need of something. Yeah, fair enough, you may argue that friends should be able to drop anything for their friend to help them out, so what's the problem? No. That's not what I'm on about at all, what I'M on about is when one of your friend use you for their own purpose and don't do anything in return. It's like, if you want to be my friend and you're serious about being my friend then why not talk to me long term rather than when it suits you? 'cause maybe I need a friend all the time? Not a part-timer.

Friendship...sticking with a theme here can be like making a pancake. The ingredients are needed. Egg, flour, milk, water...and possibly a pinch of salt, depends on your friend's attributes. Without the egg for example, the pancake will just be well...floppy and soggy flour..Which believe you me, isn't an attractive taste to your taste buds. But you get the picture...I sure hope so anyway. But yeah, so you throw all the ingredients in get a marvellous pancake...a.k.a a great friendship.

This blog may have made no sense WHATSOEVER. But hey! I've been taken over by my pancakes.


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