Sunday 6 March 2011

oh, *sarah

Today's main 'moan' is *Sarah, the constant need to be in my face, I don't even talk to you properly, I don't even know you, yet you make such an impact on my life.

You seem to have a fascination with making me feel like I'm competing for something that I shouldn't even be competing for! It's so hard having to be restricted to not saying your name or the situation, I just don't want to be in the same boat as you and stoop to your level.

So please *Sarah, this is a plea, leave me alone and let me get on with things and stop taking things away from me. It's tearing me inside out.


On a lighter note, I've got all my work finished. Doesn't sound like the most interesting element to my wonderful life, but hey, getting that stupid essay done BEFORE it's due in, its pure bliss :)

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