Tuesday 17 July 2012

You either love it or hate it...

Gosh, doesn't time fly when you're having fun? :O Well I would say that if I had done something exciting in the past week of being inactive. Saying that, I've done quite a lot of stuff, but its not exactly going to be important or exciting for you readers...so here's the deal. If I make it as exciting as it POSSIBLY can without sounding sarcastic, you gonna read the whole thing? Good. Here goes nothing!

I've recently found myself as a rapping reggae (can't think of a 3rd adjective beginning with the letter R) girl! This was when I went through my Music list and found, the legendary and amusing Sean-a Paul! Remember this? Tune and a half. don't you agree?

So what did you think? Were you loving it? I know I sure was, I was busting some pretty fine moves, I'm not gonna lie ;). I know its pretty old and Sean Paul goes on the same ground as Marmite, but nevertheless he's boom-ting. 

(right, what's next on my list...)
I've been swatting up on my Geology, since I haven't got a clue what most of it means. I even made a plan and everything so that I could copy it all out in time for the library to claim it back off of me! (Yes, I have been told SEVERAL time that I should just scan/photocopy it and make it much easier for myself...BUT I have logic in my backwards ways...) If I create my own Geology book, not only will I be able to have my own copy of it (for free), but I will also learn it as I go through it and pick up on things I never knew, as well as brushing up on my old skills. Oh, I almost forgot, it means I get to used my colourful FELT TIP PENS. Hell yes, I love the colouring...I mean, that's what Geography is all about isn't it? (I JOKE.) 

I also have been running! Got to keep in shape! I do something think that I'm getting better and then, on day's like today when I lose my breathing pattern, it makes me get very annoyed with myself...but saying that, after that happened, it gave me the strength to run that extra bit at a good speed. But apparently that's called Interval Training (fancy that, aint it?) So at least I'm doing something right!

Since I have a million and one things to do on my list, I best get cracking! I'll come back for you once I'm done...promiseeeeeee <3

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